Full Stack Marketing Solutions.

Streamline all of your digital marketing activities and reduce overhead.
ads management
Pay Per campaign

Opt for our transparent, pay-per-campaign service and leave the ad management to us. For each subscribed campaign, we create a fresh ad copy mockup, ensuring ongoing creativity while aiding in cost reduction.

email campaigns
pay per campaign

Select your desired send frequency and we'll handle the rest. Just approve the mockup in the queue and we'll continuously prepare the next one, ensuring steady email campaign flow.

A/B Testing
Pay Per Test

Select an element of your campaign for A/B testing, and for a single fee, we'll manage the process for any test duration. Align your testing with your campaign schedule seamlessly.

Custom Dashboards
pay per Implementation

Every campaign plan comes with a standard ads dashboard. For deeper insights, upgrade to an advanced custom dashboard, accessible on a monthly basis upon approval of our design.

Conversion rate optimization
pay per Implementation

Optimize your campaign's success with our CRO service. We'll continually evaluate your campaign's performance and implement approved enhancements, ensuring peak effectiveness.

e-Commerce Development
pay per project

Discuss your vision, or let us propose one. After you green-light our recommendations and proposal, we'll kickstart your e-commerce project.

add ai to your business
pay per prompt

Discover the power of AI in streamlining your business operations. Schedule a strategy session today and witness firsthand how AI can transform your business.

workflow automations
Pay per Flow

Transform your daily tasks with our automation solutions. Choose to learn from us, or let our team set up optimized workflows tailored to your needs.

Microsoft Ads
Management Plans.

Pay per service and pause or cancel your subscription at any time!
Build plan

Build a custom marketing plan that fits your goals and budget.

Kickoff call

Prepay to connect with Full Stack Marketing. You'll be invited to a dedicated Slack channel.


We'll create mockups for you and post them to your channel. Your first revision is on us!

Go Live

Once approved, your mockup is all set to go live. It's that easy!

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Microsoft Ads App Installs Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You want to drive installs of your mobile app.

Microsoft Ads Phone Calls to My Business Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You want to drive new phone calls to one or more of your business’s phone numbers.

Microsoft Ads Promote Your Apps and Games Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You want to promote your apps and games in the Microsoft Store.

Microsoft Ads Ad Impressions Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You want to increase the number of times your ads appear in the Microsoft Advertising and drive brand visibility and awareness.

Microsoft Ads Sell Products from Your Catalog Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You want to drive purchases of products.

Microsoft Ads Video Views Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You have video creatives to drive views of your video ads and convey your brand message.

Microsoft Ads Conversions in My Website Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You want to measure your return on investment by counting the actions people complete on your website.

Microsoft Ads Smart Campaigns Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You're new to search-engine marketing and want Microsoft Advertising to suggest ads and manage your campaign for you.

Microsoft Ads Visits to My Business Location(s) Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You want to get more people to visit your store, office, or event.

Microsoft Ads Visits to My Website Management Plan

$ 600 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Choose this goal if: You want to drive traffic to your website.

Email marketing management.

Pay per campaign and pause or cancel your subscription at any time!
Build plan

Choose your desired service. Each service comes with one new campaign mockup per month.

Kickoff call

Prepay to connect with Full Stack Marketing. We'll use this opportunity to understand your campaign requirements in detail.

Review Ads

We create a mockup for your campaign. Review and approve the design to let it enter the pipeline.

Go Live

Once approved, your campaign is all set to go live. Keep your campaign fresh and dynamic with a new mockup each month.

Email Marketing Using AI Management Plan

$ 475 USD

Monthly Service Fee

Up to 100 words

Blog posts management.

Pay per post tier and pause or cancel your subscription at any time!
Build plan

Choose your desired service. Each service comes with one new campaign mockup per month.

Kickoff call

Prepay to connect with Full Stack Marketing. We'll use this opportunity to understand your campaign requirements in detail.

Review Ads

We create a mockup for your campaign. Review and approve the design to let it enter the pipeline.

Go Live

Once approved, your campaign is all set to go live. Keep your campaign fresh and dynamic with a new mockup each month.

Blog Posts Using AI Management Plan

$ 275 USD

Monthly Service Fee